Page name: Let the blood flow [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-20 21:42:08
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Back to: coven of blood
The Coven is Evil and lusts for power. Everybody against everybody. Use people and abuse power. It's what evil witches do.

Standing in the quickly emptying bank lobby, silver locks tied back with a simple band, Markus waited for the perfect opportunity. He'd scoped out the location weeks in advance, prepared the perfect spells and charms for the event, and his meticulous planning was just about to pay off, when a splitting headache over took him. Another vision, this one far more gruesome than the last, which he'd seen himself pulling everything off without a hitch. Gunfire rang through the nearly empty room, snapping Markus back to his senses. Someone had jumped the gun. "Noctis Dis..." His words fluttered out like a gentle breeze, barely audible to someone standing right beside him, then darkness over took the entire bank. Fucking Idiots! He darted off like a bolt of lightning, the coin he'd been spinning in his grasp flying across the room and adhering it's self to the teller's window just before exploding. Landing across the counter, several more scattered across the floor, his pistol in his grasp, loaded and ready to fire when they exploded as well. He didn't have much time, He had to finish this job, his cousins were counting on him.

K'htressa was standing just within the enterance of the bank prepared to teleport her and Markus out. Who the hell took the shot? She thought furiously looking around; still keeping an eye on where Markus should be.

Jared had been acting as a lookout from across the street, he kept near the entrance to a dark alley so he could disappear quickly once the task was complete, he touched a small ear-piece in his left ear "try to keep it to a dull roar okay" he cautioned "the wrong people might get involved soon anyway" he checked his watch "we're running out of time as it is" he felt nervous he still couldn't believe his relative had convinced him to help them with something like this I must've been on something at the time he thought to himself as he continued to watch the goings-on from his vantage point.

Gunfire rang through rapidly, the bullets hitting their intended marks even through the darkness. Markus didn't have to see who he was aiming at to hit them, he already knew they were there. "Ten second's until the timer open's the vault, then clear it out K'htressa." He spoke gently into the earpiece, digging through his coat for several more enchanted trinket's he'd brought with him.

"Nine.." She replied softly preparing to make her jump to the vault. "Be ready to take my hand so that I can get us both out." She spoke again into the earpiece at the five second mark.

Three...Two...One, "Now." Markus jumped into action, snapping his fingers, and running swiftly towards the vault door. About the time he reached the creaking hunk of metal, his coat had taken on an ominous hue, and he passed strait through into the vault. He went to work immediately, tearing into the different boxes, piling everything in the center of the floor to give his cousin just one target to teleport out once she'd arrived. Jewelry, money, bonds, it didn't matter to him, if he could crack the box quickly, it made it to the pile.

Having stuck to the shadows of the alley Jared shifted into a Human/Panther form to listen, he touched the earpiece again "I can hear police sirens, someone must have tripped a silent alarm in there" he warned "I'm guessing their still about fifteen minutes away tops" he narrowed his eyes and peered into the windows of the building "that's all the time we have before this all goes south, think you can finish up in there before then?"

K'htressa smiled wickedly. "Give it a g break Jared, thats nothing, relax." She replied laughing softly whispering moveō teleporting inside the vault. "All ready Markus?" She asked appearing next to the pile he had started.

"I'd prefer to err on the side of caution, that's all" Jared replied back with a scowl she couldn't see "is that so wrong?" his ears twitched as he heard the sirens get louder either they're picking up speed or there are more cops nearing this place he didn't like either prospect.

K'htressa lightly touched the earpiece chuckling; "Now, caution gets you nowhere but safe boring play. We need some kind of fun now and again. How many cars nearing the building?" She responded in a light eerie tone.

"from the sounds of it there were 2 or 3 at first" Jared said as he closed his eyes to focus on the sounds "but now it sounds like they've doubled in number, and there are two that are much closer than the rest" now he was starting to worry "what's going on in there, are you close to finishing up yet?" he asked trying t keep the worry out of his voice.

"We'll be gone before the police arrive, pay more attention to the street, someone else is coming this way quickly." Markus murmured into the earpeice, having just finished with the last box. "They'll be more trouble than the police if they manage their way inside. Dispatch anyone you see heading this way."

K'htressa nodded as she laid her right hand on the finished pile. "moveō cis. She said softly as the pile wavered then disapeared only to reapear back at the house. "Read to go Marcus?" She then asked holding a hand out to her cousin.

Jared smiled "then maybe I should choose something more suited to a 'hit and run' strategy" he replied before shifting yet again this time into a Human/Cheetah to give him quick bursts of super speed, he smiled again as he took a racers starting position and watched the newcomer, waiting for the right moment to take them down before they knew what hit them....repeatedly.

"In a second Tressa. This box actually has a seal keeping it closed. I have a feeling it's owner is like us, and the one currently on his way now. Change of plans Jared, don't kill him. He might be useful later...come in and break out this box. Magic isn't the way this time, we need brute force." Markus gave a wicked smile to his present cousin, gaze shifting to a figure in the safe doorway, gun following immediately afterwards, and firing naturally. "No Witnesses, if they snoop too much, kill them."

"I'm on it" Jared replied as he used his forms speed to rush through the doors like a gust of wind and reach the vault in mere seconds "someone call for a pick-up?" he said with a smile as his form changed again this time to a Human/Sumiladon form (A Saber-tooth tiger, his strongest form) he looked at Markus "which box do ya need me ta yank?" he asked in a deep growling voice.

"This one, just rip it from the wall and let's go. We can work on the seal later." Markus spoke, opening his mouth to speak once again, but stopping and clutching the silver tresses draped at his temple. The headache only lasted for a few seconds, and when he snapped out of it, his stoic gaze seemed somewhat more...shaken. "Now, we have no more time."

Jared grabbed the box Markus had indicated and gave it a healthy yank, there was the sound of metal giving way as the box came free of it's housing, Jared then shifted to the smaller Human/Lynx form and carried the box over to the impressive pile "I think we're set, can we please leave now?" he asked his cousins.

K'thressa nodded reaching out her arms and barely laying a finger on each of the guys shoulders and speaking fast "moveō", as she pictured the living room of their home, right in front of the huge blood red antique style couch. Her concentration wavered for a split second making them shimmer before they disappeared soundlessly.

When they'd finally arrived home, Markus slumped back onto the couch in a lump, eyes closed and body rigid as his mind still spun from the dizziness induced by K'thressa's way of travel. "You never get used to that..." he mumbled when coherent thought had finally returned to him. Glancing up at the two still standing, he raised his hand towards Jared, motioning for him to come forward. "The box please, my curiosity can't wait any longer..."

Jared smirked "here you go" he said as he handed Markus the box, he felt fine he had learned not too recently that K'thressa's telaporting didn't seem to affect him at all when he was in one of his hybrid forms, he suspected it had something with the cat's natural sense of balance, he didn't know for certain and he didn't really think on it too much, what mattered was he never felt disoriented when his cousin telaported him, but now he was courious about what was in that box.

K'thressa rolled her eyes at her cousins. "It's not that bad if you breath through it. I am going to get a drink you two want anything?" She said walking toward the kitchen.

Jared shifted back to his normal form and smiled "I'll have a ginger ale please" he said calmly as he sat down in one of the plush armchairs near the couch, this had been stressfull for him and he was thankful it had gone as smoothly as it had.

"Just water if you don't mind." Gaze only shifted to his cousin briefly, before he went to work on the box. The seals keeping it closed were quite intriguing to Markus, the only thing more captivating to him at the moment was figuring out what exactly was in it. "Tomorrow i'll have someone fence the goods, but this, we need to figure out now, any ideas on how to break into it?"

K'thressa walked to the kitchen pulling down three glasses, filling one with water, the other with pepsi, and the third with ginger ale. Sighing she walked back in blancing her glass on her left arm as she carried her cousins in her hands. "Here." SHe said holding out their drinks. "Well if we can figure out what kind of magic is holding it closed then we could try a number of spells."

Jared took his drink fro, K'thressa "thanks" he said with a small smile before looking at the box again, taking a sip of his drink he considered their options "I've never been great with seals myself" he admitted "I've spent much of my study time learning about the abilities of all the cats in the world"

"I guess the only way to find to just try it." Markus shrugged, setting the box down beside him and standing up when the room had completely stopped spinning. He grabbed his drink, taking a sip from it before moving to the bookshelf, sifting through them boredly. "Any guesses?"

K'thressa nodded to them both before grabbing her own glass from her arm right before it was about to fall. "Try a simple spell. Simplicity is almost always the answer." She replied walking over to the couch and plopping down with her back to the arm of it and feet hanging barely over the edge.

"she's right!" Jared replied as he considered this "seals are used for many things, bind, restrain, summon, even connect, we need to consider these when dealing with them" he got up and headed to the bookshelf as well "now where did I see that book?..." he said to himself as he scanned the shelves.

"K'thressa chuckled. “Of course I am right. When am I ever wrong?" She responded very vainly.

"That brings another question though, what if the seal is meant to keep something in...instead of keep us out?" Fingers thumbed through the selection infront of him before picking out on at last. "This book you mean?" He asked, a faint grin gracing his features. "I already know, saw you snatching it out." As the thought washed over him, Markus froze, a perplexed expression washing over him. "I haven't had a single vision of how to open this box. I've gotten to where now I can have them on command about anything...except that." He opened the book immediately afterwards, flipping through it wildly until he'd come across a specific section. "Look here..."

Jared looked over "maybe there's something keeping you from 'peeking'?" he suggested as he craned his neck slightly to look at what he was looking at "what is it?, what've you found?" he asked in a slightly worried tone.

"If it doesn't release hell why should we care?" K'thressa asked taking a sip from her drink.

"There are only a few specific types of magic that can cancel out our abilities. The seal's obviously drawn in blood, so I'd have to say it's some sort of spirit magic...which narrows it down alot."

K'thressa looked at her cousin. "That means what to us? You know I am not all smart in the area of how things affect us."

"It means whoever sealed this, is probably stronger than us individually. Or at least more skilled...which doesn't pose well..." Markus sighed out, marking the page before setting it on the coffee table. "But, at least I think i know how to open it now." He didn't speak too much more on the matter, just moved towards the kitchen, rattling around through drawers recklessly, different, seemingly random items scattered across the counter tops. "Where the hell is my herb satchel? I left it in this damn drawer!"

K'thressa got up walking up behinde Markus laughing pulling his satchel out of her pocket and dangling it infront of him. "Looking for this?? It doesn't go in the kitchen."

Jared shrugged "where else would you put herbs?" he asked keeping quiet about his Catnip collection hidden in the back of the spice rack.

"Herbs that are used for magic purpose ought not be left in the kitchen. Makes it fair game when it comes to cooking." She replied turning her head to look at Jared.

"I guess that makes sense" Jared replied with a sigh "I don't work with herbs much anyway" he sat down again and sipped his drick a bit.

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2010-02-03 [Dezmond]: So when does it start?

2010-02-03 [wicked fae mage]: When I get over my YuYu Hakusho obsession (halfway through season 2) and feel like moderating.

2010-02-04 [Dezmond]: Come now nikki you know I'm impatient xD

2010-02-05 [wicked fae mage]: Hey, season three got done and needs coverted and four is done so that''s another four days. >.>

2010-02-06 [Dezmond]: You're killin me here, I need chaos xD oh I had a question. Aside from the abilities we chose, we still all would have the basics in witchcraft correct? Those are just out own personal specialties, right? Cause mine can't really be used offensively in the least.

2010-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: Like curses and sacrifices? Yes, yes you may. Giant spell books (grimoires specifically for black magic) scrying and so on...have at it!

2010-02-11 [Dezmond]: Lol cool, now to just brush up on the basics of dark magic, and I'll be good to go for both rp's xD

2010-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: Lol indeed xD

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: Meow!

2010-02-26 [MyAlterEgo]: We're not getting very far with this are we?

2010-02-26 [Gypsy Mystik]: nope

2010-02-26 [wicked fae mage]: Not yet. I haven't started it yet because I don't have the free time to read everything and make sure everything is far for each player to be doing.

2010-02-26 [Gypsy Mystik]: ok ^_^

2010-02-26 [wicked fae mage]: When I get free time which sadly looks like it won't be until closer to Spring I'll be starting up all of my open RP's.

2010-02-27 [Gypsy Mystik]: yay!

2010-04-27 [Fearathress]: So we are free to post?

2010-04-27 [The Last Dragoon]: I'm curious to know as well

2010-04-27 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, free to post :3

2010-05-04 [Dezmond]: nikki, i would sooo post...but i dunno what to post...

2010-05-04 [wicked fae mage]: Well, just start a scene...

2010-05-04 [Dezmond]: lol how's that then?

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